Tuesday, April 2, 2013

She Can Handle Troubles and Carry Heavy Burdens

As children grow up, boys are taught chivalry and girls are taught that boys should be chivalrous. Boys are expected of girls to be kinder to them and treat them differently than they would other boys. But as they grow older boys are given mixed messages. Girls yell at boys and tell them that they do not need their help, and that they can do it themselves. Boys and girls are also subjected to media that has fighting women, such as movies and video games. Action movies, for kids and adults, have women fighters in them. Such as G. I. Joe, and How to Train Your Dragon. Video Games, such as World of Warcraft and Mortal Kombat, have female options where you can fight with a woman or against one.
Now a days, there are more women portrayed in combat roles. Although men have to sign up for the army, women are volunteering themselves to go to the front lines to fight against and with men. Women have fought for their rights to be equal to men and have grown far enough to fight alongside them for our country. Most men believe that women are weaker and cannot do things as well as men can, but women have constantly been proving them wrong with their advances in society.
Currently, as we think of women we see many images. We see a polite girl who can get help from men, and we also see a woman who can fight, not only for herself, but for her country as well. Women have grown as a whole in society. Women have become more independent, and are able to show that they are not the little girls that they once were.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

Is it better for a superhero to be born with the super powers or for their powers to be genetically-altered?

            In the superhero world, there are superheroes that are born with their super powers, such as Superman or Wonder Woman. Superheroes who have gained their powers later in life include Spiderman and Iron Man and Captain America. Heroes who were born into their powers have had their powers since a young age. We all know that growing up, going from child to teen to adult, these are all awkward stages of life, and that through these stages, we face challenges that change and mature us. Having these powers through these stages helps the superhero control them better later on in life. Spider Man, whose powers originated from a radioactive spider, loses his powers as his willpower fades.
When a superhero is born with their powers, living with their powers is just as normal as humans living their lives. With this normality, the superhero also goes through the life lessons that are needed to shape a person for the greater good. Superman has seen all of the horrible things that using superpowers inhumanly has as an effect on the human race. Captain America, being a soldier himself, has a bias towards the human race, since he, himself, is a human genetically enhanced.
Ivan, from the T.V show King of the Nerds, had discussed this question in episode 4; “Supernerds”. Ivan had said that, "Heroes born into their powers can hone them better" adding that genetic powers can be erratic and has created more villains than it has heroes. So many more villains have genetically altered powers then powers they were born with. Examples of these types of villains are Doctor-Octopus, Venom, Doctor Doom and Green Goblin. All of which were genetically altered, beyond their control, to try and destroy the superhero that they encounter.
Although there are a lot of great superheroes out there that have had their powers given to them by a serum or another force other than birth, but the ones who have had their superpowers since they were born are far more superior and are have more control over their powers.

King Of The Nerds

Friday, March 1, 2013

Lil Poopy

So we are given a question from the Sun Chronicle to answer in their newspaper section called, "The Page". This page comes out every tuesday, so we get a question every week.
This weeks question was:
Do you think the police took appropriate
action in this case, or are they overreacting
as the family of the boy maintain?

In the case of Lil Poopy, the police noticed that this 9 year-old boy was rapping about cocaine and other things that a boy his age should not be experiencing. The police then investigated the case and visited the child and his family. This was an appropriate reaction to this boys lyrics because children show what they feel rather than speak it. So if a child is subject to these kinds of things, they would show it, as seen in the videos of Lil Poopy. It was an appropriate action considering the actions of Lil Poopy.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Hello, my name is Cassy. I am a senior in high school, and this blog is for my journalism class. I enjoy manga and anime, drawing and painting, and doing nerdy things. I have recently gotten into Magic, the Gathering, which i have be obsessed with. I hope to fill you with immense joy with my writings for my class! Enjoy!